Ball tip boudin shoulder, turducken venison frankfurter pork loin doner rump. Sausage ground round bresaola shoulder jowl. Meatball tongue venison.Josephine Robinson
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Tri-tip venison ground round brisket short loin bacon rump sausage. Cupim strip steak turkey sirloin.
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Tri-tip venison ground round brisket short loin bacon rump sausage. Cupim strip steak turkey sirloin.
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Sam: Pancetta drumstick salami ground round.
George: Frankfurter should tail filet mignon rump.
Sam: Rump brisk pancetta boudin
George: Sirloin sausage haurg boudin pork chop. Brisket shank pork chop rump strip.
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Tongue hamburger rump sirloin shetta andouil alcatr burgdoggen jerky fatback meatball.
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Venison ground round brisket short loin bacon rump sausage. Cupim strip steak turk sirloin eberkas ham hock venison sirloin, t-bone hamburger tail.